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Registered nurse - 25 years’ experience in health and education. I have been practising as a clinical supervisor for 15+ years, supporting health professionals and support staff in the areas of mental health, disability and Justice settings. Supervision experience is underpinned by a focus on individual strengths and reflective capacities and includes change management, organisational/systems, professional issues/mentoring/coaching and small figure work. I am able to offer individual and/or group supervision. Telephone and Skype Supervision is also possible. Contract essential if parties agree to work together.
Availability:  Flexible Charges:  $90
Venue:  Negotiable
Qualifications: PhD; RN; DipN; BN; PGCertHlthSc. (Mental Health); MN (Distinction); CtAdTch FNZCMHN   Affiliations: Te Ao Maramatanga NZ College of MH Nurses; NZNO

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