Aotearoa Supervision Associates

The property
People: Beth Nobes, Ian Johnson, Nina Fairburn, Paul Barclay
Availability: You and your Supervisor will agree on the timing and frequency of supervision sessions
Charges: Fees vary according to your role and responsibilities and whether supervision is for you individually or as part of a group. If an organisation has a number of staff for supervision we can agree a corporate rate.
Venue We are flexible and so will agree a suitable venue with you once we have an understanding of your needs.
Qualifications: We each have qualifications relevant to providing external supervision, plus consulting and facilitation expertise.
Our Supervisors have diverse life and work experiences. We offer choices of Supervisor so that you find the person who best meets your needs. We bring extensive experience and knowledge from working within the mental health, alcohol and addictions and disability sectors. Check our website: Notes: Confidentiality is vital for an effective supervision relationship. What is discussed with your Supervisor is not discoverable by a third party. Your Supervisor will cover this with you further as part of a supervision agreement.

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