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Paul is social work qualified and registered with the Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB). He works as a counsellor, mediator and supervisor. He has worked in independent practice for 20 years. He has also worked as a social worker, supervisor and consultant for Child Youth & Family (Oranga Tamariki). He is an experienced counsellor with extensive training in individual, couple and family work. Family Court accredited, ACC approved. Experienced field worker for social work students from Canterbury, Massey & Otago Universities as well as counselling students. Paul has provided supervision for individuals and groups in statutory agencies, NGOs and the voluntary sector since 1986. Provided consultancy to social service and other organisations in both public and private sectors. Paul welcomes the opportunity to meet prospective supervisees to help decide whether they want to contract into supervision.
Availability: Monday to Thursday 8.00 am - 5.00 pm Charges: $120 plus GST (Negotiable)
Venue: 68 Breens Road, Bishopdale
Qualifications: MA(Hons) in Sociology (Social Work); Diploma in Journalism, CQSW

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