Hawthorne, Rachel (Transforming Conversations)

The property
Availability: Mon - Fri flexible Charges: $70-$100
Venue: flexible
Qualifications: B.A.; Dip Tchg; MEdLeadership PGCertProfSupv

After more than 20 years as a teacher and educational leader, I have recently left a role as Director of Karanga Mai Young Parents’ Centre, to join The Princes Trust New Zealand as Director of Education. I have extensive experience and training in the areas of educational leadership, building collaborative relationships across organisations and within teams, not-for-profit governance, and youth-based research.

I offer supervision to a range professionals navigating the demands of working in educational leadership, teaching, and pastoral care contexts; those involved in not-for-profit management and governance roles, and those in social work and youth work roles. I am a great advocate for the benefits of external, cross-discipline supervision and am open to working with a diversity of clients from a range of professions.

I aim to be an attentive, creative, appreciative, and responsive supervisor, and absolutely enjoy the process of collaborating together with the purpose of assisting you to reflect, learn and grow as a practitioner, whatever your profession or working context.

Feel free to contact me for a preliminary conversation to see if you would like to work together

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