Falconer, Nickei

The property
Usually, we work in the helping professions from a motivating passion inside of us. Getting the right support within our work can enliven our passion, and enhance our purpose and competency within our role. Good supervision is one part of the support we can enlist. I have been providing individual and group supervision since 1999, to counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, community support workers, managers etc. I have significant management experience, so have an understanding of team dynamics, possibilities and challenges. I really enjoy working with supervisees to support them in their work and within their life, and am registered with both NZAC and PBANZ, and I'm a member of the NZAC National Membership Assessment Team. I work with a process focused approach and from a strengths-based philosophy and am happy to offer a trial period for new supervisees, to determine if there is a good 'fit'.
Availability: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Charges: on application
Venue: 169 Tancred St, Nth Linwood, Christchurch
Qualifications: Diploma of Gestalt Psychotherapy Diploma of Competence at the Psychiatric/Psychotherapeutic Interface Post Graduate Certificate in Supervision (AUT)
Affiliations: Registered Psychotherapist with PBANZ, Member of NZAC (since 1994). NZAC National Membership Assessment Team. Past Chairperson regional NZAC Committee. Current VP IAAGT. ACC accredited for Mental Injury from Physical injury work

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