McCormack, Abby

The property
Organisation: Te Āwhina Mahi Consulting Address: Ōtautahi, Shirley
Availability: Online and in person - Ōtautahi Charges: $120 + GST
Venue: details on application Qualifications: Bachelor of Social Work, Certificate in Reflective Supervision
Kia Ora, E hara taku toa I te Takitahi, engari he to takitiri – My strength is not as an individual but as a collective. Ko Pokai whenua te maunga ete nei taku ngakau. – the Port Hills are the mountain that holds my heart. Ko te kararo kararoa te moana te mahea nei aku māharahara – the New Brighton beach / ocean is the sea that alleviates my worries. E noho ana au ki Ōtautahi - I live in Christchurch. Ko Abby McCormack taku ingoa Ko tēnēi taku mihi ki ngā tangata whenue o te rohe nei – I acknowledge the indigenous people of this area. Ka mihi hoki au ki ngā tohu o te rohe nei – I acknowledge the important landmarks of this area. Nō reira, tenā koutou katoa. I have been a registered Social worker working alongside tamariki, rangatahi and adults therapeutically for over 15 years primarily in NGO and community based organizations. My experience has been grassroots through to management across Addictions, Mental Health, Disability, School based /education, Health sectors and Clinical Supervision. My experience providing Clinical supervision to Social workers and allied health professionals, allows for ongoing professional development and safe spaces to unpack professional identity and workplace issues. I am passionate about sustainability of you the worker, the intersection of personal and professional, finding your voice, collective care and cultural competencies. I utilise therapeutic approaches which are strengths based, inclusive and trauma and attachment informed, systemic and relational, alongside cultural perspectives. All guided by the clients goals and voice in a person centered and directed approach.

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