Furley, Robin

The property
Explore, reflect and develop your practice with Ms Robin Furley, Sage Supervision.
Availability: Flexible weekdays, in person or online Cost:  $100
Venue: Quiet home based studio with OSP
Qualifications: BSocSci, Diploma in Not for Profit Management, supervision training with Margaret Morrell of Vibrant Training
I have 24 years broad experience managing health-based not for profits, with counsellors, family support workers, community nurses, sexual health educators, social workers and administrators in widely diverse organisations such as NZ AIDS Foundation, Home and Family, Relationship Services, Child Cancer Foundation and Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Canterbury. I have a B Soc Sci and a Diploma in Not For Profit Management. My supervision training has been with Margaret Morrell of Vibrant Training, Supervision I and II. I am astute, steady, compassionate, empowering and encouraging.    

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