Severn, Jane

The property
Offering Professional Supervision to qualified or trainee Counsellors, Therapists, Health and related Practitioners, Community/Social Service Agency staff or anyone seeking support in their work capacity. I enjoy my role as a supervisor immensely and consider it a privilege to engage with people whose career choices dedicate them in any way to healing and support in the community. For me the paramount purpose of supervision is to support the Supervisee. Care and attention will be given not only to the work you are doing but also to yourself as you do it. You will be invited to develop as fully as possible in your personal and professional capacities with awareness of the balance that brings mutual enhancement between them. As well as exploring challenges and new learnings encountered in practice with clients, we acknowledge and celebrate successes, insights, beauty, passion and sacredness in the work.Enquiries always welcome, please phone or email to discuss your requirements. I am happy to offer an initial meeting free of cost allowing potential Supervisees to make an informed choice about working with me.
Availability: In-person - Tuesdays only, 8.30am-5.30pm Online - negotiable Charges: $120
Venue: 52 Bealey Avenue,  Christchurch
Qualifications: Dip Counselling, Dip Gestalt Psychotherapy, Accredited Pascha Therapy   Affiliations: NZAP; Registered Psychotherapist (PBANZ); NZAIPT

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